Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Poop Goes In The Potty

We've been potty training Boo. It's been going way better than I expected. Sorry, Lil, you've terrified me to potty train again. Dad and I did it because, Henry, you were sooooo ready. Sooo ready. Not many accidents. You are doing great.

We haven't yet pooped in the potty. I know that will come. No pressure, little dude. Today you pooped on the lawn, though!  Progress, right????

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Little Lily Update

I thought I'd do a little update on Lily. She had some fun things happen way back in February and I wanted to do a "She's 5!" update and share some birthday pics. A little overdue, I know.

So back in February, her class celebrated the wedding of Q and U. Since they are learning all their letter sounds and how to write her capital letters, they learned how Q and U always go together and what sound they make together.

The wedding was very cute and Lily got the privilege of being the flower girl. Her classmate Tanner was the ring bearer. Seriously, how cute are these pictures?
 The flower girl and ring bearer
 Waiting for the bride, "Q"
 The officiant, Pastor Mitten, and the groom, "U" played by Mrs. Fletcher
 She even had rose petals!

 Standing next to the Maid of Honor
 Of course, Mrs. B., is our blushing bride "Q"

 Waiting with Gracie to see the newlyweds

 With the newlyweds and Mrs. B.
There was even a wedding cake. Wow!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Peeing In The Closet. Yup, I Said Peeing In the Closet.

For some reason, Henry has now decided that he no longer wants to wear clothes. No shirt, no pants, no diaper. He desperately tries to take them off, all the while making the "please"sign. Well, not the actual please sign. It's just the one he made up for please. When I tried to teach him "please" in sign language, he would just get angry. I mean, he was quite put off. I was like, "Chill out, buddy. I'm just trying to help you out since you can't talk yet. But hey, whatever floats your boat." His unique sign for please let me know he was hungry. Then it just became the sign for please when he wanted anything. Which makes it kind of hard to figure out what he wants sometimes. Gosh, I just want him to talk already!

So what was I saying now? Oh yes, he doesn't want to wear clothes. Especially not his diaper.

The other day I had changed his diaper, I left him in the living room to run somewhat free and sans clothing. His diaper was  on. I skipped on over to his room to toss his clothes in his hamper and get his fresh clothes for the day from his closet. As I was taking some clothes off the hanger I looked down and there was H standing next to me.

Completely nude.

Peeing into the closet.

No look of mischief, no look of sheepish shame. It was as if I let him pee in his closet every day!

You better believe me this is coming up in conversation the first time he brings a girlfriend over the house. Oh, yeah. I'm tucking this one away in the mental file folder labeled "embarrassing my kids."

Oh Henry. You keep me on my toes. There is never a dull moment with you!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lily and Henry, Please don't hate me!!!

I hope Lily and Henry appreciate me writing every little thing they do..........good, bad, embarrassing, scary, amazing, funny. This is my on-line journal of sorts. Instead of having a baby book, you have a baby blog! Aren't you lucky?

Don't worry. I'm not posting these for the whole world to read. I do want to make it available to family, though. If you ever get sick of hearing me go on and on about the kids well, just stop reading the blog. It's that simple.

Except for the the grandparents. You can never stop reading. It's your duty!!

I'll probably throw in a dash of me and Andy once in awhile. And I'm sure I cannot blog about my kiddos and hubby and not talk about Jackson. He's funny, too.

So enjoy. Laugh. Cry. Shake your head in disbelief. Marvel at our awesome parenting skills. (Joking!) Live vicariously through us. Whatever you want. I'll just be happy if you pop in from time to time and leave a comment every now and again.

Really, I want to capture those moments, those slices of life, that all to easily get forgotten.

So Lulu and BooBoo (Yes, I really do call them that.), this blog is for you. I love you. Your dad loves you. I wish time could stop; but it can't. So, here's my way of freezing time.

5 years. Going to Pre-K and looking quite the fashion plate.
19 months. Really starting to use that spoon and getting the hang of it. And making a nice yogurty mess, of course:)